
An Electrocardiogram or 'ECG' is the commonest test performed to investigate the heart. 

A series of small adhesive electrodes are placed on the chest which allows a tracing of the heart to be taken. The heart tracing is then reported by one of our Consultant Cardiologists who will study the trace to identify any changes in the heart rhythm or signs that there are problem with the heart muscle or structure.

The test is painless and only takes a few seconds to perform. Results are usually available at the time, or within a few hours. You must attend in person to have this test performed.

Holter Monitoring

Ambulatory ECG monitoring

Holter monitoring allows the heart rhythm to be monitored for a longer period of time and is useful to detected intermittent changes in the heart rhythm.  It is commonly used to investigate patients with palpitations or periods of lightheadedness.

We offer the latest state of the art options for holter monitoring, ranging from standard holter monitors to adhesive patches and heart rhythm implants that can detect heart rhythm disturbances for up to 4 years.

Contact the team for more information and to discuss which option may be best for you.



An Echocardiogram is a scan undertaken by a trained Cardiac Physiologist or Consultant Cardiologist. A small amount of ultrasound gel is placed on the chest and the ultrasound probe is moved to obtain pictures of the heart. The scan is painless and usually takes around 30 minutes to perform.

The scan allows the team to assess the hearts structure and function. Specifically it allows the team to assess the hearts pumping efficiency and to the heart valves to determine whether there are any leaks or whether any of the heart valves have become narrowed. 

This scan is often required prior to surgery for some patients, the report is usually available at the time of the scan.

Contact the team for more information, scan slots are usually available within a few days.